by Cindy Dobroskay
Skipping for Your Health, Weight Loss and Fitness
Need to lose some weight? Want to improve your fitness and health? Rope skipping may be your golden ticket!
by Cindy Dobroskay
Need to lose some weight? Want to improve your fitness and health? Rope skipping may be your golden ticket!
by Cindy Dobroskay
With so much information online, how do we know what is right, safe and effective? It's enough to paralyze anyone to a standstill! It doesn't need to be that complicated.
by Cindy Dobroskay
If you want to lose excess body fat AND build a healthy looking, functional body, strength training is the key to your success.
by Cindy Dobroskay
Calories in - Calories out. It's the basic formula that determines weight maintenance. How do we tip the scale to lose weight without starving ourselves?
by Cindy Dobroskay
Menopause, age-related changes in metabolism, strength, body fat and health all contribute to the challenges we face as we get 'older'. A healthy lifestyle can help you stay strong and independent in the years ahead. Here are some tips to help you navigate these years.
coming soon
Well, it wasn’t that long ago that I set some new, out-of-my-comfort-zone goals for myself.
I started doing what I thought I needed to do. I wasn’t making much progress. I wanted to do it on my own, figure it out and do it, without paying for help, and without really venturing too far out of my comfort zone. I wanted everything to fall into place easily. It didn’t happen.
coming soon